All of Hydroconseil's shares are owned by our staff, thus ensuring our independence, the commitment of our experts and the cohesion of our team.

The staff shares are held in a holding company called Global Development that also holds the shares of our sister company Urbaconsulting, which was founded in 2006 and specializes in urban and municipal development. The two firms often work closely together on urban public service projects.

The strategic management of both Hydroconseil and Urbaconsulting is overseen by a six-member management committee. We are committed to promoting internal democracy and all key decisions relating to the two companies are taken after consultation with all employees.


Assainissement au Mozambique / Sanitation in Mozambique
Pratiques de lavage des mains au Burkina Faso
Bassin transfrontalier de la Mékrou / Basin of the Mekrou
Mission au Libéria / Assignment in Liberia
Latrines en Mauritanie / Latrines in Mauritania
Kiosque à Haiti / Kiosk in Haiti
Missions on the ground
Improve the access to the drinking water
Technical expertise
Knowledge of local people