Hydroconseil fosters sectoral dialogue by presenting the institutional, financial and economic aspects of the Antananarivo Sanitation Master Plan to the different programme stakeholders: the Cabinet Director of the Mayor of Antananarivo, the Minister of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and the Minister of Planning, Housing and Public Works, and their teams. This Master Plan for Sanitation by 2037 covers both wastewater and rainwater and should help improve living conditions and healthiness in the Malagasy capital city to participate in its emergence.

Assainissement au Mozambique / Sanitation in Mozambique
Pratiques de lavage des mains au Burkina Faso
Bassin transfrontalier de la Mékrou / Basin of the Mekrou
Mission au Libéria / Assignment in Liberia
Latrines en Mauritanie / Latrines in Mauritania
Kiosque à Haiti / Kiosk in Haiti