National hygiene and sanitation policies and strategies are essential to sector development.

They enable political will to be translated into concrete actions and constitute a frame of reference when dividing roles between stakeholders and defining actions to be undertaken.

Hydroconseil took part in the elaboration of this technical handbookof the PS-EAU.


Download this file (Developing_NSP_NSS_EN_2.pdf)Developing_NSP_NSS_EN_2.pdf 
Assainissement au Mozambique / Sanitation in Mozambique
Pratiques de lavage des mains au Burkina Faso
Bassin transfrontalier de la Mékrou / Basin of the Mekrou
Mission au Libéria / Assignment in Liberia
Latrines en Mauritanie / Latrines in Mauritania
Kiosque à Haiti / Kiosk in Haiti
Missions on the ground
Improve the access to the drinking water
Technical expertise
Knowledge of local people